Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Kanz ul-Ummaal fi Sunan al-Aqwaal wal Af'aal

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

كنز العمال في سنن الأقوال والأفعال

Kanz ul-Ummaal by Allaamah Alaa ud-Deen Ali Muttaqi bin Hissaam ud-Deen al-Hindi al-Burhaanpoori (rahimahullah) is the biggest collection of Hadeeth arranged in Fiqhi order up until now. 

It contains forty six thousand six hundred and twenty four (46624) narrations of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) - almost every Marfoo hadeeth is included in it. 

This book is in reality the extension of Al-Jaami al-Kabeer by Allaamah Suyooti (rahimahullah). Allaamh Suyooti first wrote Al-Jaami al-Kabeer, in which he compiled all the narrations and arranged them in alphabetic order and separated them in two categories of Qism al-Aqwaal (Category of Sayings) and Qism al-Af'aal (Category of Actions/Practices). 

Then he chose a selected number of narrations from Al-Jaami al-Kabeer and compiled them in another book named "Al-Jaami as-Sagheer" whose Tahqeeq is also done by Muhaddith ul-Asr Shaykh Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami and Da'eef al-Jaami. 

And after a while, he again wrote another book from the same collection named "Zawaaid al-Jaami". 

 The work of Allaamah Alaa ud-Deen Ali Muttaqi is that he compiled all the narration Suyooti had compiled in his books and on top of them, he included many other narrations and then he arranged them all in Fiqhi order and called it, "Kanz ul-Ummaal fi Sunan al-Aqwaal wal Af'aal" which is, until now, the biggest collection of Prophetic narrations. 

This book has been translated into Urdu without any Tahqeeq. And amazingly, no one has ever done its tahqeeq and takhreej until now - not even in Arabic!! And this book also contains a lot of weak and fabricated narrations which many Shi'aa and Braylwees and other Ahl ul-Bid'ah use in their favor. 

So looking at the condition we, by the permission of some of our Shuyookh, have decided to do the Tahqeeq and Takhreej of this book in Urdu Language by using the already translated version. Hence, we have started a monthly series of Kanz ul-Ummaal where we will publish 100 or more narrations with Tahqeeq and Takhreej each month. For this, this post will be updated each month in-shaa-Allaah.

May Allaah make this task easy for me and may He help complete it, and accept the efforts. Aameen 

Kanz ul-Ummaal Episode 1 H. 1-51 

Kanz ul-Ummaal Episode 2 H. 52-151 

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