Monday, July 14, 2014

Hadeeth “Whoever offers the prayers on time….It leaves as a white garment…”


What is the authenticity of the following hadeeth?

من صلى الصلوات لوقتها فأسبغ لها وضوءها وأتم لها قيامها وخشوعها وركوعها وسجودها، خرجت وهي بيضاء مسفرة تقول: حفظك الله كما حفظتني، ومن صلى الصلاة لغير وقتها ولم يسبغ لها وضوءها، ولم يتم لها خشوعها ولا ركوعها ولا سجودها خرجت وهي سوداء مظلمة تقول: ضيعك الله كما ضيعتني، حتى إذا كانت حيث شاء الله لفت كما يلف الثوب الخلق، ثم يضرب بها وجهه. "هب عن أنس".
“Whoever prayed the prayers on their time, performed well done wudoo for it, and completed them (i.e. the prayers) with their qiyaam, khushoo’, rukoo, and sujood, then that prayer leaves as a white cloth and it says, ‘May Allaah preserve you as you preserved me’. And whoever prayed the prayer on other than its time, did not perform a perfect wudoo for it, and did not complete it with proper khushoo’, rukoo, and sujood then that prayer leaves as a black garment and it says, ‘May Allaah waste you as you wasted me’ until it is only on its way that it is wrapped just as an old garment is wrapped and it is hit back on the face of the person.” Bayhaqi in Shu’ab al-Eemaan
[Kanz ul-Ummaal (19052)]


Praise be to Allaah,

First of all, the author of Kanz ul-Ummaal has mistaken in attributing this hadeeth to Bayhaqi’s Shu’ab al-Eemaan when in fact it is not narrated by him. It is rather narrated by Imaam Tabaraani in al-Mu’jam al-Awsat.

Imaam Abu al-Qaasim at-Tabaraani (D. 360) rahimahullah narrates:

" حدثنا بكر قال: نا عمرو بن هاشم البيروتي قال: نا عبد الرحمن بن سليمان بن أبي الجون العنسي، عن عباد بن كثير البصري، عن أبي عبيدة، عن أنس بن مالك قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: «من صلى الصلاة لوقتها، وأسبغ لها وضوءها، وأتم لها قيامها وخشوعها وركوعها وسجودها خرجت وهي بيضاء مسفرة، تقول: حفظك الله كما حفظتني، ومن صلى الصلاة لغير وقتها فلم يسبغ لها وضوءها، ولم يتم لها خشوعها ولا ركوعها ولا سجودها خرجت وهي سوداء مظلمة، تقول: ضيعك الله كما ضيعتني، حتى إذا كانت حيث شاء الله لفت كما يلف الثوب الخلق، ثم ضرب بها وجهه» "
“Bakr narrated to us, who narrated from Amr bin Hishaam al-Bayrooti, who narrated from Abdur Rahmaan bin Sulemaan bin Abi al-Jawn al-Anasi, from Abbaad bin Katheer al-Basri from Abu Ubaydah from Anas bin Maalik (radiallah anhu) who said that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said – the translation of which is given in the question above.”
[Al-Mu’jam al-Awsat (3/263 H. 3095)]

This hadeeth is severely weak, in fact, fabricated because of the presence of “Abbaad bin Katheer al-Basri” who was a fabricator of hadeeth.

Imaam Ahmed bin Hanbal said about him:

" روى أحاديث كاذبة لم يسمعها "
“He narrated untrue narrations which he did not hear”
[Al-Jarh wat Ta’deel (6/84)]

Imaam Abu Nu’aym said:

" كذبه سفيان الثوري، وحضر وفاته فلم يصل عليه "
“Sufyaan ath-Thawree called him a Liar and he witnessed his death but he did not pray over him.”
[Ad-Du’afa (T. 176)]

Imaam Bukhaari said:

" تركُوه"
“They have abandoned him”
[Al-Taareekh al-Kabeer (6/43)]

Imaam Nasaa’ee said:

"متروك الحديث"
“He is Matrook ul-Hadeeth”
[Ad-Du’afa wal Matrokeen (T. 408)]

Haafidh Ibn Hajar al-Asqalaani said:

“Matrook (abandoned)”
[Taqreeb (3139)]

Therefore, this hadeeth is none other than one of the lies that Abbaad narrated.

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